Episode 55 - A Life in Balance: Cultivating Joy before the Workday with Heidi Horne

In this episode of Pitch Perfect, I am joined by Heidi Horne, a respected speaker, corporate trainer, author, and mindfulness and mindset expert. Heidi shares her knowledge and experience on mindfulness, stress management, positive mindset, and resilience.

Heidi shares her intriguing journey into mindfulness practice, stemming from her personal experience of happiness and positivity as a child. Her dedication to making people feel better influenced her career choices and prompted her to establish a simple, effective strategy to cultivate joy before the workday begins. She shares five ways to foster joy - gratitude, breathing exercises, meditation, positive affirmations, and smiling or laughing - and elaborates on the immense benefits these practices have on an individual's well-being and overall work productivity. 

Heidi Horne's Happiness Habits Workbook - www.heidihorne.co/happinesshabits

To download your FREE checklist on how to become a highly paid speaker go to jaimieabbott.com/speakerguide.