How to incorporate humour into your speeches

Incorporating humour into your speech not only captures your audience's attention but also makes your message memorable. But how does one masterfully weave comedy into an address without it coming across as forced or out of place? Let’s dive deep into the art of humour-infused oration.


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Creating a speaker one-sheet: What to include

In the speaking world, the initial impression can make or break an opportunity. One of the most potent tools for public speakers to grab attention and convey their credentials is the speaker one-sheet. If you're keen to curate an impactful one-sheet or merely looking to refine yours, here's a...

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Enhancing your speech with powerful visuals

In today's information age, presentations have evolved beyond mere words. To make a lasting impact, the amalgamation of a well-structured speech with compelling visuals is indispensable. Visuals serve as the backbone, reinforcing the spoken word and ensuring the audience's undivided attention....

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The art of public speaking: Skills every paid speaker needs

Public speaking, often hailed as an art, is a potent tool in our modern world. It’s no wonder that many professionals strive to master this skill, especially if they aim to become a paid speaker. Standing in front of a group, large or small, and communicating effectively requires more than...

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How to use LinkedIn as a launchpad for your speaking career

When it comes to professional networking, LinkedIn is the undisputed champion. With over 700 million users, it's a treasure trove for anyone looking to boost their career – and for aspiring speakers, it's no different. However, the question remains: How can you utilise LinkedIn to take your...

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How to approach event organisers for speaking opportunities

Stepping onto the stage as a speaker can be an exhilarating experience that provides an excellent platform to share your expertise, grow your brand, and network with industry professionals. However, the journey to the podium starts much earlier, and the path to securing that speaking opportunity...

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Diversifying your income streams as a professional speaker

In the rapidly evolving world of professional speaking, relying on a single source of income can be a precarious strategy. Diversification is no longer a buzzword; it's a necessity for sustainability and growth in this field. As a professional speaker, you might wonder how to expand and diversify...

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The impact of personal development on your speaking career

In today's ever-changing and demanding world, personal development is no longer an option; it's a necessity. For those engaged in the speaking profession, personal development is not just about self-improvement; it's a career catalyst. Let's delve into the fascinating world of personal...

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How to develop a pre-speech routine for success

When faced with the prospect of public speaking, many people are gripped by anxiety and fear. Even experienced speakers sometimes find their heart racing and palms sweating just moments before going on stage. Luckily, developing a pre-speech routine can be a game-changer, helping to quell these...

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Leveraging virtual speaking opportunities

The advent of the digital age has revolutionised every aspect of our lives, from how we work and socialise to how we learn and communicate. In the midst of this rapid evolution, the realm of public speaking has been dramatically transformed, shifting from traditional physical venues to the...

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Using podcasts to build your speaking career

Podcasts, an increasingly popular form of media consumption, have unlocked a whole new platform for aspiring and professional speakers to build and expand their careers. With over 2 million active podcasts and more than 48 million episodes available worldwide, podcasts offer a remarkable...

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Crafting a unique value proposition as a speaker

A unique value proposition (UVP) is an indispensable tool for any speaker, whether you’re a seasoned keynote speaker, an aspiring thought leader, or a professional trainer. Crafting a compelling UVP as a speaker can help set you apart from the crowd, align your content with your...

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