The intersection of public speaking and emotional intelligence

Public speaking, at its core, is an act of communication designed not merely to inform but also to engage and influence an audience. The ability to do so effectively hinges on one’s emotional intelligence (EQ) – the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to...

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How to pitch to the media: A guide to successful PR

In today's digital age, public relations (PR) continues to be an essential component of effective marketing strategies. One of the crucial aspects of PR is the ability to pitch stories to the media. But how do you ensure that your pitch stands out in a sea of emails, calls, and messages that...

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Crafting compelling calls to action in your speeches

The climax of any great speech is its call to action (CTA)—the moment the speaker galvanised an audience into taking tangible steps towards a cause or initiative. Whether you’re motivating a team, selling a product, or leading a movement, a compelling CTA is the critical bridge...

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The importance of follow-up after a speaking engagement

Speaking engagements, whether they are workshops, webinars, or keynote addresses, offer a unique opportunity to connect with an audience, share expertise, and build your personal or professional brand. However, the true magic often lies in what happens after the applause ends: the follow-up....

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How to negotiate your speaking fees

Being asked to speak at an event is not just an honour, but it's also a testament to your expertise and value in your industry. Along with that recognition often comes compensation. But determining and negotiating your speaking fees can be daunting, especially if you're new to the speaking...

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The role of networking in becoming a paid speaker

In today's interconnected world, networking is not just a buzzword – it's an essential tool for professionals from every field, especially for those aiming to become paid speakers. For budding speakers, mastering the art of networking can be the difference between merely being a 'voice' and...

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Turning audience questions into engaging dialogue

As a paid speaker, one of the most crucial moments in your presentation isn't necessarily in the scripted slides or rehearsed anecdotes—it's in the unpredictable realm of audience questions. This segment, often reserved for the end of a presentation, can transform a one-sided monologue into...

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How to develop your audience following as a paid speaker

The realm of paid speaking is competitive, and while delivering a captivating talk is essential, there's another facet that's equally vital: building a loyal community. A devoted audience can be the difference between sporadic gigs and a consistent calendar of engagements. This community not only...

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Leveraging speaker bureaus to advance your career

Speaker bureaus are specialised agencies that connect professional speakers with audiences and event organisers, acting as a matchmaking service of sorts. Whether you are an industry leader, motivational speaker, or subject matter expert, engaging with a speaker bureau can be a strategic move to...

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Identifying your niche in the speaking industry

The speaking industry is a crowded marketplace filled with voices from various backgrounds, expertise, and subject matters. The plethora of topics and speakers makes it crucial for you to identify and carve out your own niche. A well-defined niche not only sets you apart but also makes it easier...

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The ethics of public speaking

In a world inundated with information, the role of professional speakers has become paramount. From boardrooms to international conferences, these individuals hold the power to influence, educate, and inspire. But with great power comes great responsibility. Professional speaking isn't merely...

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How to use feedback to improve your speaking skills

The process of learning and improving is a continuous journey, especially when it comes to skills such as public speaking. An integral part of this journey is feedback. Constructive criticism, either from ourselves or others, provides valuable insights to help us refine our abilities. So, how can...

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